Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Adventure Begins!

Hello, everyone!

Thanks for checking in here! I'm super excited to have all of you follow me along this incredible adventure. I have this amazing opportunity - to see the world, to make memories, and to do it all with my best friend, Meg.

Our departure is fast approaching - we leave in three days! We will fly into Miami this Friday (Meg's birthday!), and spend the night. On Saturday, we officially begin our international travels, as we embark for Cartagena, Colombia.

I am thrilled to be able to stay connected and share stories with each of you over the next four months, and I hope you enjoy following me through Colombia, Ecuador, Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, Italy, and Greece. Wow!



1 comment:

  1. Hey you two, I'm so jealous of your trip, though I've done parts of it, you guys are doing it all!

    Let me know if you need any pointers while in Argentina, Chile or Peru. I still have many contacts in Peru, and if you would like to see where I lived--the rustic conditions, you could even go visit my old site! :)

